Soft Peach skin by Mohkii, Mesmerized skin by Plumbhead, Silky Smooth skin by Gerbitshi, and Amaryllis skin by Nesurii.To get the eyelash remover, click on the version 2 of the kijiko lashes and scroll down till you see it Kijiko's are smaller and more natural, but you need that mesh for the Plumbobjuice ones to work. SOOOO much better than the base game lashes! Versions for all ages and genders and you can finally get rid of all those terrible black lines EA dares to call 'eyelashes'.3D Lashes by Kijiko, EA eyelash remover by Kijiko, and 3D Lashes Edit ( This one works w/ glasses) by Plumbobjuice.Doesn't add any features like freckles, dimples, or lip creases, so tons of customization available.
Part 1 of all the bare essentials for my sims 4 game! I use these on practically every sim I make.